Saturday, February 23, 2008

I would only be a liar.

Time's are a changing alright. It's finally time to turn things around starting with the aches and pains. The physical and emotional exhaustion will become only physical at times where it is necessary, and those times are truly wonderful.

Frankly it feels like jumping off of a monumental building, falling through sheets of ice water, and landing in an ocean large enough to take you in a heartbeat. It's relaxing, relieving, infatiouating, exhilirating, breathtaking, and above all amazing. It's the scent of another that takes form in the lungs and settles behind that smile.

These are the glory times and who knows how long they will last. All I know is that there's a wave taking us with it, and damn the though of stepping out and missing the tide. There's time to sit back and bask in it's initimidating presence, but there's no reason to without the actual experience.

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